Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Member Manager 2025

Diagram showing how Member Manager is an alternative to paper or spreadsheets for those who can't use a CRM

Still use paper or home brewed spreadsheets for your club or charity membership?

Can't move to a full web-based system or CRM?

Effectively manage your charity, club, society or sports team membership with Member Manager. A great alternative to keeping your details on paper or a home brewed spreadsheet!

Save your Membership Secretary a lot of time and hassle - so you can focus on your organisation's main goals and objectives.

Main Member Manager window with search results, highlighting different categories of membership.
Stock photo of a team meeting
Member Manager displaying a list of different membership categories

Uses Windows security, user accounts and permissions to ensure your membership data is secure.

Can help you ensure compliance to data protection laws (including GDPR) - easily update, archive or remove members details, ensure data is up-to-date and keep your data in an application designed for that purpose!

How can Member Manager help your club or charity?

  • Save time on admin and focus on your main goals and objectives.
  • Monitor the success of recruitment campaigns by keeping track of how members heard about and joined your organisation. 
  • Find and manage outstanding subscriptions and fee payments.
  • Manage events, meetings and fundraisers including delegates and ticket sales.
  • Different categories of membership (e.g. honorary members, associate membership, etc.)
  • Keep track of any organisation property (e.g. keys, documents, etc.) issued to members.
  • Import your existing membership and event data from CSV files. 
  • Export search results and membership information to CSV file for use in other applications.
  • Details of next of kin details, so you can find emergency contacts for members.
  • Easily keep a record of different duties, training/certification, etc. for members by setting up different profiles.
  • Uses Windows user accounts, security and permissions to keep your membership data secure.

Main Member Manager window with a list of membership sources/how members heard of the organisation.
Stock photo of someone using a computer
Search results with next of kin details for a member

Member Manager runs on your desktop - no need for constant Internet access, and no subscriptions - once you purchase Member Manager, you can use the software forever!

Try Member Manager for free for one month - no obligations, no spyware and no need to register/provide an e-mail address to download!

Member Manager's Events window
Stock photo of a team meeting
Member Manager with results of a keyword search where first name and surname appear in different fields

What's new in the 2025 and 2022 releases?

The 2025 release (version 3.2.1) includes minor improvements and fixes to existing parts of the software.

The 2022 release (version 3.2) includes options to keep track of Next of Kin details, a version of the software you can try without installing, new button icons, improvements to help (including options to display help for different sections of the software), options to search across different fields (e.g. typing in a first name and surname at the same time), information on how Member Manager can secure your membership data and various minor improvements.

Member Manager search results displaying details for an individual member.
Stock photo of someone writing on a sheet of paper
Member Manager main screen and search results window

Price: £250 per computer!

Includes 6 months product support (direct from the developer), and updates to any new version of Member Manager released during that time.

No subscriptions - you can use the versions of Member Manager you have purchased, even after the support period ends (for comparison, if you include the support period, the price is the equivalent of £41.67 per month).

We are happy to discuss site or bulk licensing for your organisation.

Our prices are comparable to other leading membership applications, and there are no subscriptions.

We can also help with:

  • Transferring your existing data across.
  • Extended product support.
  • Installation and setting up.
Member Manager logo and button to join free Facebook group

Click here to join our free Member Manager Plus Facebook - help & support for your charity beyond the software!

Contact simon@libraryplayer.co.uk to discuss further.

Membership details with option to modify a fee payment
Stock photo of someone using a laptop

Try Member Manager for free for 1 month!

Get started and download a free one month trial of Member Manager.

There are no obligations, no spyware, and you don't need to register or give us your e-mail address. Download your free trial and see how Member Manager can make a difference!

Additional downloads:

If you have any questions or would like more information, e-mail: simon@libraryplayer.co.uk