Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Timing Clock 4.3.1 (2025)

Purchase Timing Clock Commercial Edition

Looking for help timing items for your shows, broadcasts or presentations?

Pre-recording shows and wish to include accurate time checks?

Struggling with accurate timings for your shows?

Timing Clock helps you time items for your shows, broadcasting, speeches, presentations and podcasting.

Timing Clock is much more then a clock or countdown timer on your screen! Options to help you present and time items for your shows include:
  • Change the time displayed on the clock without changing the system time – useful when recording a show, as you can have the clock display the time your show is actually broadcast.
  • Display the time from another server/computer on a network - for example retrieving and displaying the time from a playout server. 
  • Show the time from different time zones and region.
  • Display a countdown timer similar to a stopwatch.
  • Set up reminders to be displayed at scheduled times.
  • Use RSS feeds to display the latest news, weather or sport headlines.
  • Display and change the current day and date.

Timing Clock can be customised and tailored for a number of situations - whether you want to run the application in full screen mode to use as a studio clock, or always have it visible over other running applications. You can customise the colour scheme, and display extra info in the main window.

Whether you are presenting a live show and need help with your timings or pre-recording shows and want to include the correct time checks, Timing Clock can help make timing items easier!

Improvements in versions 4.3.1 (2025) and 4.3 include: displaying RSS feeds for news, weather or sport - displaying an additional clock (e.g. so you can have a countdown time and main clock visible at same time) - and new option to countdown to a particular time. A more detailed list can be found in the product help.

Price: £25.00 per computer
Includes 3 months product support/updates, directly from the developer. 

Try Timing Clock for free (no obligations, no registrations and no need to provide us with your e-mail address) for up to one month!

Purchase Timing Clock Commercial Edition