Monday, 12 March 2012

Timing Clock

Designed primarily for broadcasters to help with timings for their shows, the Timing Clock displays the current time, and also has the following features...

  • Timing calculator to help with timings, with the clock changing colour depending on how close you are to the item you have timed.

  • Change the time displayed on the clock without changing the system time – useful when recording a show, as you can have the clock display the time your show is actually broadcast.

  • Set up reminders to be displayed at particular times, and open/save these reminders.

You can also set the Timing Clock to always be visible over other applications, which is useful if your audio player does not include a clock!

While designed for radio broadcasters, you can use the Timing Clock in any other situation that requires these features, for example public speaking.


  • Free for personal use on a home computer and for use by registered charities.

  • Commercial, sole trader and any other organisations - £20 per computer/workstation that the software is installed and/or in use.

Are you using this software for personal use?
While the Timing Clock is free for personal use on a home computer, consider purchasing license(s) for the software anyway, and help support development of this and other products!

There is no need to activate or register the software – however remember that commercial users must purchase the appropriate number of licenses before downloading/installing the software.

This version of the Timing Clock is no longer available!